Technology Makes the World Come Alive - Lose yourself in reflected sunlight and scream in sheer joy as you blow chunks off of enemy tanks, structures, and anything else you can launch a rocket at.New Ways to Attack - Keep your opponent guessing by building flying battleships, wielding the power of terrifying Ion Storms, and combining units to form powerful, never-before-seen super-units.AI with Distinct Styles of Play - The game AI matches your style of play-choose from play styles such as ‘rushing’, ‘turtling’, and more, or level the battlefield and let the AI use its own tactics to give you the highest level of challenge.Story Like You’ve Never Seen - High-definition, live action video sequences that seamlessly tie the game’s epic story together feature an unparalleled, diverse Hollywood cast, including talent from Star Wars, Starship Troopers, Battlestar Galactica, LOST, and House and the return of Joe Kucan as Kane.

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars unveils the future of RTS gaming by bringing you back to where it all began: the Tiberium Universe. A massive nuclear fireball explodes high in the night sky, marking the dramatic beginning of the Third Tiberium War and the long-awaited return of the most groundbreaking Real-Time Strategy franchise of all time.